Friday, May 5, 2017

Of the manner of drinking amongst the Northern People.

"It will not displease curious Readers, to hear how the epistome is of drinking amongst the Northern People. First, that they hold it Religion to drink the healths of Kings and Princes, standing, in reverence of them ; and here they will as it were sweat in the contention, who shall at one or two, or more draughts drink off a huge bowl. Wherefore they seem to sit at Table as if they had Crowns on their heads, and to drink in a certain kind of a vessel : which, may be, may cause men that know it not, to admire it. But that were more admirable to see the servants to go in a long train in troops, as Pastours of Harts with horns, that they may drink up those Cups full of beer to the Ghests. And not-content with these Ceremonies, they will strive to shew their Sobriety, by setting such a high Cup full of Beer upon their naked heads , and dance and turn round with it : In like manner they deliver other Cups which they bring in both hands to the Ghests to drink off at equall draughts, which are full of Wine, Ale, Mede, Metheglin, or new Wine..."

From Olaus Magnus A Compendious History of the Goths & Vandals and Other Northern Nations, 1658 (Latin edition 1555).

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